Ready, Set, GO!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

...just finished making this blogskin (including the banner at the top) with help form a good ol' pal from back in primary school. It's 2.30AM in the morning, and as of now, this is officially where I will from now on express my thoughts and feelings.


This blogskin is still in beta, i've yet to see if any flaws arises in it. Hopefully, there will be none. (yey for that). I've recieved feedback that the image at the top is a tad plain, and the "2" behind the hand is barely visible (!). I'll be working on it soon, I hope(still making minor changes to the blogskin here and there). As of for now, as I type these words, my good ol' pal is toying around with the image in photoshop. (crap, i NEEEEED photoshop)

Everything is set, and ready to go.

EDIT: Many thanks to JingWen for helping me out with this. Thanks to Geok Shan too, for helping me point out the this blog doesn't load properly in Internet Explorer 8. I've fixed it, and it works fine now.



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