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Here we go, as I promised. A game review!
Mirror's Edge
When it comes to gaming, it's really all about new ideas. The very best of these new ideas are quickly picked up and then, just as quick, cannibalised into the culture. Ever single game made out there try to be different from each other by coming up with new ideas to attract players. A brand new art style for graphics, an original story and scriptwriting, raising the bar for sound effects, this and that. Anything.
Enter Mirror's Edge.
In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed and now you are being hunted. You are a Runner called Faith - and this innovative first-person action-adventure is your story.
It has been quite some time since EA, literally the largest game developer in the world, has actually delivered some quality franchise. EA is a company so huge, they can make crappy games such as the once-popular Need-for-speed series, and still make money. Why? It's because they've got so many other games they can make money off. That's how big they are. As a matter of fact, EA is so huge, they are actually split up into two different game developing studios: DICE and BlackBox. To me, the guys working at EA's BlackBox are the biggest idiots in the industry, because they are the ones who completely ruined the once-wonderful game: Need For Speed.
The guys at EA's DICE (Digital Illusions CE) are a little cleverer. The guys at DICE have been able to make games, which are of, at least, worth-playable quality. Thier more successful games include, Battlefield2, and the Unreal Tournament series.
EA, being the humongous company they are, they can make crappy games and still make money, as mentioned earlier. This may sound like a bad thing, but if you look at it from an angle, it might just be thier strength. EA is the ONLY game company out there, which can really, REALLY try something new for a game. Why? it's because EA doesn't have to worry about losing money over a crappy game they have made. They can always make yet another game with yet another new idea, or make money off other games that they have made previously which sell well. That's thier business, and face it. There is no other game developer out there who are as established as EA to treat their business like this.
I mean, come on. Criterion Games make their money off just one game. Yes, THEY MAKE MONEY OFF JUST ONE GAME. JUST ONE. That one game, is the hit racing series, Burnout. The guys at Criterion games created a racing game, which apparently became such a huge hit, Burnout was the only game they ever needed to make some serious cash. Problem is, they can't make money off the Burnout racing game series forever, right? They have got to change and come up with new ideas for different games, if they want to continue to be successful. I hope they will, because the premise for the burnout series is wearing thin already. Then, there is is another problem. Will the new idea work? Will the new idea work, and will it be just as good as thier burnout series?
What about Rockstar Games? Rockstar Games have been a little more experimental with themselves, making several titles, such as Manhunt and Midnight Club. However, none of these ideas actually managed to beat thier mega hit series, Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto 4 has been named the game of the year, and really, GTA is all they need to make money. All thier other ideas, such as Midnight Club and Manhunt...well, can be almost kissed goodbye.
EA, my friends, doesn't face this problem. They can have a crappy idea, make a crappy game, and still make money. Because of this, I appreciate what EA has brought into the industry. The newest and freshest ideas, are all from EA. The most experimental games, and surprises, are all probably from EA. While Criterion Games have taken up fresh new ideas for thier latest game, Burnout Paradise, it is still Burnout. And Burnout it will forever be. New ideas in the same game doesn't always work, but they sure as hell allowed Criterion Games to play it safe, because Burnout Paradise builds on experience from the previous Burnout games, and it created a solid foundation, even if new ideas were implemented. The result is a fresh new promising game, which is both solid and mature, and hell, people would buy it. It is still burnout, the same old game people like, but even better. HOWEVER, it isn't a brand new game.
If you're tired of this, tired of game companies coming up with sequel after sequel, afraid that their new idea might not work, afraid of losing business, then this is where EA comes in. While EA have created crappy games from crappy ideas, some of them actually work. One of these ideas, is Mirror's Edge.
Mirror's Edge is something new, really. I feel that EA should be admired and applauded for creating this game, because there's simply nothing like it out there. Mirror's Edge is essentially a game build upon the first-person platform. First person platforming is certainly nothing new. There are hundreds of first person shooters out there, and you can take your pick. However, an entire game built around the first person platform, is something new. Mirror's Edge isn't a First-Person shooter, it's a First-Person game, and it is the only one out there.
Mirror's Edge isn't a First-Person shooter, it's a First-Person game.
It is said that this game aimed to remove the shooter element from the first person platform. This isn't true. While the most part of the game is played with no importance given to guns, you still can actually pick up a gun in the game, and fire some shots. Just, don't expect the gun gameplay in this game to be good. It is afterall, not a first person shooter. Besides, the emphasis in this game not on gunplay, but on meele combat.
While an entire game built around the first person platform is new, I really have to say, the first person view in Mirror's Edge is really well-made. EA has done a good job, surprisingly. The feeling of pulling off all sorts of acrobatics and jumping from builing to building from such a personal perspective is fantastic, and it won't go unnoticed when you're playing.
pulling off acrobatics from such a personal perspective is fantastic, and it won't go unnoticed when you're playing.
of course, as fantastic as it feels, there are definately a few problems with the first person perspective, which some people may not like.
how 'bout you treat yourself to a FACE FULL OF WALL while climbing, eh?
i'd like to think of this as "an unfortunate by-product" of the first person view, so I don't blame the game here.
Don't expect much playtime from playing this game. The singleplayer mode (story mode) can be completed in less than half a day. There is some modicrum of multi-playability, but that too, isn't much. The story, sucks. Il'll say that. The story is about you discovering corruption in the heart of the city, and there's a little family drama mixed in, as your sister, a cop, was part of a plot, and therefore got involved. You, a runner, attempts to fix things up in the city, and try save your sister. The story gets unneseccarily complicated, and certainly isn't every enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun. However, the story gets so complicated and serious, that, it actually manages to removes some of the fun from the game. It gets worse, the cutscenes between chapters are all flashy 2D animation, and is completely divorced from the 3D world, making the story really difficult to attach to the characters. The cutscenes do thier job of telling the story, but...there's flash, but not always substance.
you've seen how pretty the 3d shots of the city are like, yeah? now look at the cutscenes.
Therefore, the value and fun that you will get out of playing Mirror's Edge will be directly proportional to how much you enjoy the core gameplay. If you are like me, and enojoy pulling off first-person manuvers, then rest assured, you will not regret getting this game.
The game places alot of emphasis on momentum. You, as a runner, you are literally expected to be moving fast all the time. It won't be long before the guys in blue start chasing and coming after you. There is a optimal raceline for every level in the game, but be warned. Figuring out where to go while the cops are hot on your heels and shooting at you from various directions, can prove to be a chore. Becaue you're expected to be moving fast and to be able to asses a situation quickly, "hanging around" the same spot WILL get you killed.
When the cops are not around, Mirror's Edge is prety much a maze. You find a a way past obstacles by doing all sorts of acrobatics, like swinging on poles, wall-checking, wall-running, climbing poles, jumping from building to building, and yada yada taking your own sweet time. When the cops are around, it's basically the pressure of time. You have to asses the situation quickly with momentum moving forward all the time, or else, the cops will probably just shoot you dead. You can't take on groups of cops at once either, as you don't have a gun. As such, you can only take only one person at a time, punching, kicking, and then with the correct timing, disarming. You can take the disarmed gun for yourself, but the weapons in the game are disacrded easily as most moves can't be done while holding a gun in your hand, and also becaue they run out of ammo really fast. Due to this, the cops can feel annoying as time passes. They have a gun, and you don't. They are in large numbers, and you are just one person, and you have to go pick on one cop at a time to take them down. It can get fruststrating.
However, if you do manage to keep momentum moving forward, taking down the cops, successfully get past obstacles, you will enjoy the game. Hey, who doesn't enjoy winning?
While you're figuring out where to go and what to do in the game, you may find reaching some places incredibly difficult, and trying to pull off the same chain of moves correctly over and over again to get to a location can be difficult, but that is how the game is, by design. Point is, you will get the usual flares of anger as Faith plummages to her doom, again and again due a chain of moves done wrongly.
Graphically, the city is really something that should be talked about. Although it's....strangely empty, there is a eerie charm to it's straight lines and colors. The distinctive art style and color scheme used in this game is absoultely outstanding, and really, I don't know why it hasn't recieved awards for it's art (maybe because its EA lololol). The only other game in know which uses such a distinctive art style like Mirror's Edge is Team Fortress 2. Other games don't even come close. Mirror's Edge, is serious eye candy.
Mirror's Edge uses a very distinctive art style and color scheme, and it's absoulutely impressive. I wonder why it hasn't won any award at all.
Team Fortress 2, just like mirror's edge, uses a very distinctive art style and color scheme. TF2 won awards for its art style, but Mirror's Edge didn't. Huh?
Although most of the highlight in Mirror's Edge comes across as being in the rooftops all the time jumping here and there, that isn't true. Be prepared to run through a dash of a variety of locations, such as sewers, shopping malls, subway stations, offices, and other interiors.
I was pretty surprised myself, the first time they asked me to jump unto the trains in the subway.
This brings my first game reiew to an end. It's not very good, but I'm just putting in my two cents. Overall, Mirror's Edge is very, very solid game which you should get. Like it or not, there is no other game that looks like it, or is like it. It is fresh ground up, and it is assured getting the game is a decision you'll regret. Just don't expect much out of it (especially playtime), as it may let you down here and there. I say, get this game. Not because it has a distictive art style, not because the story mode in the game is nice, no. It's because Mirror's Edge is one of those rare games which sides with innovation. There is no other game out there that asks you to do things like in Mirror's Edge.
I would give Mirror's Edge a 4/5. Not everyone will like it, but it is worth a playthrough, like it or not. This game, to me, sides with innovation.