^ that is one hell of a amazing piece of photography.
I said that I wanted to shape tomorrow into a better day. You know what, for once, I might have just done that.
I never really get many things about my life straight, but this is one case, where I actually did. Maybe it was just luck, but I don't want to look into it. It's been too good to touch.
My friend was talking to me once about how his life actually has changed over the past...12 months. I really could relate to that, because I think me, myself, and my life has changed drastically over the past couple of months.
While i've been complaining how everything has just become so shallow over the months, the thing is, when i'm actually a part of it all, everything's forgiven. And hell, just one day after I wrote that, things took quite a turn at school, and shallow, isn't so shallow anymore. Besides, it's dangerous to go in deep. It's like an undercover operation: go in deeper and deeper, you can't get out. You're caught in it, and it'll take a really long time to get out. Prison Break's storyline is built pretty much on top of this structure. They're always on the run and want freedom, and would jeopardise anything to be free. They're caught, and took a long time to prove themselves to get out of it all. I just completed watching the entire season 4, and I have to say, Prison Break is awzum.
Things have changed. They've changed again, and once more, again. It's true, the only thing that doesn't actually change, is change itself!
Ancherle's been a little more than upset lately. Hey, if you're reading this, this one's for you:
Life's too short to be anything but happy.
also, I hope your nose is doing fine. lol.
Siti and I have been exchanging thoughts, quite alot of them. This too, can get pretty deep (and rather personal also) at times. Another reason why I take back what I said about shallowness. Jeez, Siti, you think too much!
I'm becoming too lazy, and not doing work. I wonder what happened to my drive to do work. I need to self-discipline myself.