CS has been recently hooked up on Need For Speed: Most Wanted (what up with that dude?). It made me go back to see how the other, newer Need For Speed titles were like although they got shitty reviews from critiques all over, I decided to try them out anyway.
meet the newest and shittiest Need For Speed: Undercover.
well, at least that's what the critiques say anyway. Some of the reviews I read about this game even explicitly said that "this game is a waste of $60". I tried it for myself, and well, I was disgusted at several instances while playing the game. That said, while playing the game, I noticed that EA (the game's developer) has actually made a conservative effort to make the game better. Because of that, I was pretty pleased at several instances while playing the game. While most of the driving portions in this game are all drop-dead stupid, there is a few nice driving bits here and there which we can enjoy. The reviews also said this game had horrid graphics. Yes, I agree, but from the screenshot I posted, really, if they put in a little bit more of effort into the game, the graphics really wouldn't be bad at all. Hell, even the cops seem smarter from the previous games (NFS carbon had dumbass cops).
So, what does this game lack?
This game lack exactly what made this franchise popular in the first place: the ultimate racing thrill ride. Yes, there is a thrill when you're waving through heavy traffic during the highway races. Yes, there is a thrill when the cops catch you off guard, and make you run a top speed to avoid getting busted. However, even with all these, it lacks the thrill, which Most Wanted had.
there's no doubt about it, Need For Speed: Most Wanted is the ultimate thrill ride you can have on your PC/Console.
Need for speed: Most Wanted sent you driving at speed of over 200mph, but in Need For Speed: Undercover, it has been my experience that the speedometer rarely every reaches that speed. So much for the "Need For Speed", eh?
Half-disappointed, but half-satisfied, I was craving for more. I tried Need For Speed: ProStreet.

sure, photo-realistic graphics grace the screen, and the car damage looks awesome, but where have the beloved streets and cops have gone to?
the removal of cops and the streets from the Need For Speed franchise was a sin done to the game-literally. However, the game itself, isn't bad. Prostreet sure did commit a sin to the entire franchise as a whole, but what Prostreet offers isn't bad at all. Problem is, people liked what Most Wanted offered. Cops, insane speed, and streets. These, were missing from prostreet, and prostreet in the end just didn't make the cut. However, if you are looking for just a decent race, prostreet is guaranteed to satisfy you. If you're looking for a Need For Speed with cops, you've come to the wrong place.
Well, this is basically what I did over the weekends. Don't get me wrong, both NFS Prostreet and Undecover are good, but only in certain ways. If you play need for speed for just the races, you will more than enjoy Prostreet. However, if you liked the cops and illegal street racing, then maybe you should look at Undercover. Yes, Undercover sucks cock. But the more you play it, the more you'll realise they've been working on the game -trying to make it better in more ways than one. You'll even be surprised at what Undercover offers you at times. Some of the races are really enjoyable and definitely has a thrill to it, but mostly, the game is crap.
If you're curious what EA has been trying to do, and are a die-hard NFS fan and want to know exactly what new races Undercover offers you, then go ahead and jump in and try undercover for yourself. If you're more concerned about your time being wasted, don't bother.
School started early today, and ended late. Was a long day, but it just flew by. We finally got to know our COB lecturer, who made the class laugh for all the wrong reasons. Even then, he's pretty darn good, and his teaching, it just works. So, even though the class laughed at the "wrong reasons", we like him. He's good. Actually, saying he's good is just an understatement.
I slept in POA -again. No idea why, but maybe it was helped by the fact that her lessons are drop-dead boring. Also, she conducts her lessons in nice, cozy, and dim-lighted normal classrooms. She decided to call of the last bit of the lesson because we had to go for the CCA fair.
I joined the Entreprenuer's club. It appealed to me more than the other clubs, and the only other club that I would have taken as an alternative would be to help run the ITE co-op shop. But then, how would I exel in my CCA if my CCA is just about running a shop? Maybe i'll consider joining the co-op some other time, but for now, fuck that.
Also, fuck the CCA choices. (P.S, sorry if I come across as angry, it isn't my intention)
Me, a bunch of guys, and a bunch of girls went to Mos burger at the nearby Clementi mall to have lunch, since we were dismissed early anyway, and had time 2 5p4r3. Me and Everic got BOMBED with fries. Hahaha.
After we returned to campus, It was time for OFA. From here onwards, all I can remember was that I choing'd the assignments we were given. I was one of the first to finish all 6 (lol), and another girl who just got transferred to our class this very same day, also finished her's. The both of us went to buy paper, so that we could print our Assignments out.
V shouted out "you better keep your eyes to yourself!"
it was pretty easy initiating a chat with that new girl (shit, I forgot her name again). I learnt that while most of our class consisted of 'O' level certificate holders, she's actually a graduate from 2 other courses from Clementi itself. In other words, she's a progression from Nitec. Which I thought was pretty cool, we didn't have many progressions in our class. Maybe one or two, but that's about it.
On the way back home, while I walked past the bus stop, a stranger tapped on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw a very familiar face, and said a less-than-normal hi, but then walked away. I just couldn't remember what that face was. As I walked away, I began to remember who exactly she was. If I had remembered who she was right on-the-spot, I would have squealed:
she was Rachel from 5/2, from back in cckss. I remember, we shared the same working bench when I was doing my F&N practical dry run back in CCKSS. Woah wtf, what is SHE doing here?
too bad, I just said a hi and walked away. Well, at least I know there's someone I should lookout for now. It would help, if I could get to say a proper hi. Right now, I just feel so retarded not being able to remember who that "stranger" was.
Anyway, continued walking back to the MRT station, and saw my class usherer. Had a nice talk, and found out more about the CCAs in school. He said I joined a good CCA. yay! He also told me when he was enrolled in school, there were even fewer CCA's than now. Wtf!
Bought a new pair shoes at Jurong Point. What is up with those $60 converse shoes? I mean, seriously now. Anyway, my previous pair of shoes had the soles worn so thin, that it tore right through. Well, I guess that's what you get when your dad is a cheapo who thought a $14 pair would do the job. Well, it did, until last friday. It was a nice pair of shoes though. BUT MY NEW ONE IS EVEN BETTAR LOL TAKE THAT
also, bought new slippers. I'm sick and tired of being forced to walk bare-footed here at the farm, stepping on rocks everytime. It isn't painful, but it isn't good for the feet either. Also, it sucks to walk on the hot ground when the afternoon sun is blazing. It's Baaaaaaad.
school starts at 11AM tomorrow. Gimme a Oorah!