I can't believe all those fanboys who simply buy into what expensive, unaffordable, slick and shiny shit that Apple has to offer. Apple used to be good, but over the years, i've seen that they've lost it. Microsoft on the other hand, has been on a roll.
Let me rant here. Sorry guys. And sorry if you like Apple. I think they suck, deal with it.
1. iPod shuffle 3G is ridiculous.
it's motherfuckin' ridiculous. Here's how stupid it is: it's so small, it's actually dwarfed by the tiny charging cable.
it's too small, and does too much. Apple has gone off the deep end here: the device is just way too small. There's absolutely so buttons or dials on this thing, except for one switch, which controls if your songs play in shuffle, in order, or to turn the device off. Everything else is controlled via a bizarre set of button presses -on the earpiece.
2. iPhone 3GS? I don't see anything?
the iPhone, while being undoubtedly the best smart phone on the planet today, still has its flaws. I pity all iPhone owners, actually. The battery life sucks, the phone runs hot all the time, and the web browser loads pages slower than the network's actual speed, trying to conserve battery life.
Well, they added video recording functionality, and a 3-megapixel camera with autofocus. They also added a compass (who the heck wants a compass when there's already google maps in it?). Gee. The Samsumg OMNIA records HD 720p videos at 30fps. This so-called new iphone only records VGA video at 30fps. Screw it, we've had 3 megapixel cameras with autofocus in phones for ages already. This one's long overdue.
They also added cut, copy, and paste. That's right, the iPhone didn't have copy&paste until now. LONG OVERDUE. They've added some voice control feature that's been around in Nokia phones since, well, forever. Along with this, is the ability to perform a phone-wide search for your stuff.
Finishing the list, they claim the iPhone is much, much faster, with an increased battery life. Riiight.
and yes, iPhone 3G S really stands for "iPhone 3G Speed". Not a big list of changes, and the iphone is still pretty much the same, but yeah. Apple just had to make a big deal out of it, marketing it as a new product. People with the existing iPhone 3G have to pay to get this upgrade. Yep, it isn't free. This said, Apple's implementation of these new features is actually pretty clever. and the iPhone, still remains the smartphone of choice for many people. This so-called "new" iPhone 3G S, is however just a retarded update.
3. Snow Leopard OSX is pure FAIL
when it comes to computers, it's pretty clear Microsoft is the undisputed winner here. Apple has failed miserably here, because there is absoulutely not a single visible difference between Snow Leopard and Leopard. Not, not one.
Apple says Snow Leopard is Leopard "finely-tuned", so that the system will run alot more faster. So, basically, in the windows world, Snow Leopard is just a service pack. And service packs are free in the windows world. BUT NO. you gotta pay for this, too! It's not even a change, it's not even an upgrade, and yet, Apple's marketing it as if it's some kinda brand new operating system.
Screw it. I don't care about macs anymore. Sure, the new unibody macs are pretty (and expensive as sh**), but it's running Mac OSX, and that, my friends, it ends there. Windows is better. Period. Just wait will windows7 comes out late this year, just wait.
3. Macbooks magically become Macbook pros.
okay, i've pointed out before that the the 2008 Aluminium Macbooks were very similar to the Macbook pros. The only difference between the two, was the the pro version had a bigger screen, better battery life, had a memory card slot, and a more powerful graphics card. So, why were these two seperated? combine them into one la!
and that's what EXACTLY apple did, to the frustration to every single aluminium Macbook 2008 owner today (and that happens to be alot of poly students, mind you). AND, it's cheaper. Well done, well done! And look, they threw in a 7-hour battery and a MircoSD card slot. Yeah, I know people are fuming all over this one.
so, here you go, all of you, take a look for yourself. The 13-inch Macbooks are now 13-inch Macbook Pro's. If you were once a proud Macbook owner, go ahead and drool over this stupidity.
Left: Macbook 13-inch 2008. Right: Macbook pro 13-inch 2009.
you are not, I repeat, NOT seeing things.
4. Inconsistent UI
oh, look. It's the next version of quicktime. And, it's pretty. Maybe it's because its....a little too simple, perhaps?

is there even such a thing as "too simple"? I mean, come on. Sure, it's pretty. I also like how it looks so completely divorced from everything else on Mac. Thumbs up!
Apple is (finally) unglam!
the ugliest icon ever? that's butt ugly. I mean, even google chrome, which looks like a pokéball, looks better than this.
it's the recession. Apple, spare us your expensive iNonsense already.